Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Planning (again)


Here's a silver lining:  had I gone on my sabbatical this year, I'd be back, and ready for my second week of preaching.   It would be all over.   Now it is still in my future.

The Lilly Foundation has generously approved a delay until next year, and I am just beginning the process of planning out my Sabbatical again for next year.   I won't begin making reservations until there is a Coronavirus vaccine announced, but it sounds more and more that expecting one this winter will be a reasonable thing.   

There are some differences between the Sabbatical I am now planning and the one I planned last year.

I want to travel right after Easter, for a couple of reasons.  One is that April on the Jesus Trail is better than traveling around Pentecost (Pentecost being a big travel holiday in Israel.)   I'm also adding a few more days in Israel: an extra day in Nazareth, an extra day on the Jesus Trail and an extra day in Jerusalem.   Maybe an extra day in the West Bank.   In Germany, skipping Worms (recommendation of Rick Steves, and I've been there twice) also skipping Strasburg, France (there are better places to learn about Anabaptists.)   Also, I turn 65 in April, and travel insurance for a trip that begins when I am 64 is less expensive.  Insurance is an issue (more on that in a later post.)   

Another plus is that garden produce, especially tomatoes, in August, won't be missed.   I canned 20 quarts of Roma tomatoes and 21 pints of salsa this August/early September. While I likely won't grow anything, though my daughter might, I will want to pick up some tomatoes from the local farms and can to see us over the summer with good tomatoes.  

I need to line up some sights (the American Pilgrim museum in the Netherlands, ferry to Patmos in Greece, sights in Israel and Rome) and check up on each place I planned to visit, to see if hostels are still open, if sights are still open, and if I can still make reservations in advance.  

And I might re-study some of the background stuff that I might not remember as clearly, because I now read them several years ago in prep for things. 

But the Sabbatical is still on, and I'm beginning my work for it!