I will finally finish my pilgrimage next spring when I join Karoline Lewis, the Marbury E. Anderson Chair in Biblical Preaching at Luther Seminary, St. Paul, MN, on an 11 day Pilgrimage trip to the Holy Land. Most likely, I will add on an extra week, so that I can do the Jesus Trail (an abbreviated version that is offered that lets you walk the first and last legs) and some other locations.
The trip starts next April, and while I have already put down a deposit, I need to talk to my Church council about it as well.
Karoline Lewis' trip will go some places I would not have (the Dead Sea area, Masada) but it hits a lot of the areas, the extra time will give me the chance to get to some of the other places I had planned to visit (Caeseria Maritima, possibly Nablus, including the Samaritan sites and Jacob's well) and linger a bit more in Jerusalem. It will also arrange some of the things I was having some challenge figuring out - a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee, a visit to the Temple Mount. And I'll be with a brilliant New Testament Scholar, whose teaching I have enjoyed in the past.
I am very excited