Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Pain and Joy!

So last Thursday I had a doctor's appointment.   Since this is the last time I'll see my primary care doctor before I travel, I had some questions to ask her, mostly about prescriptions, sleeping on the many overnight transports I'll be doing, and my big toe.

I have a goofy big toenail on my right foot.   Not a huge bother most of the time, but with more walking, and with a new pair of dress shoes, it's been bothering me rather a lot.   So I decided to ask about it. She looked at it and her verdict was that I had an ingrown toenail.  A strongish one since the nail curves under and such, but she thought I should see a podiatrist, and she referred me.

The podiatrist had a cancellation that very afternoon, so at 2 PM I was in his offices.  One look at my foot and he confirmed the ingrown toenail.  Said he would recommend having a little procedure to take a slice of it off, cauterize the wound so that the toenail won't grow back.  Minor procedure, few minutes, I'd be great for my hiking.   So I said sure, lets do it!

It was so painful!   Not the procedure itself, but the injections of the novocaine, or whatever they use, were incredibly painful, enough that I actually screamed. (I don't usually respond to pain this badly, but I guess my feet are very sensitive.   I also bled a lot, which they told me is good; it means I still have excellent circulation in my feet.  Gee, thanks.)

Then, in the middle of the night the pain medication wore off and I was in such pain.   So much that I could not muffle my whimpers.  So much that I spent time wondering what I would be like if I had to endure pain for an extended time.  I got up, sat down, searched on the internet.    It was not supposed to hurt like this.   I wondered if the bandage was too tight.  I took it off.  It was really tight and the pain was largely relieved almost instantly (although I also began to bleed again.)   So I was really fine, but for a half hour or so I was in agony.

This morning I took my newly cut up toe for a 4.5 mile walk.  I've not been walking regularly this winter; I just can't get it going when the temps are below about 45 degrees, but today was nice and balmy, in the low 50s, and there was no rain in the morning.   The air was clean, the animals were wandering around doing what animals do, and my legs were so glad to get that exercise!    I just loved it.   I listened to the radio and some podcasts, and I just enjoyed myself.    It will all be OK, and in three and a half months time I will be sauntering along the road to the sea of Galilee.   I was feeling thankful for even the pain of the procedure that will make my walk even better.   Which is easier to do when you're no longer feeling the pain.

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