Sunday, July 25, 2021

John Knox, Edinburgh, and beer in St. Andrews

I just realized that I took few photos yesterday with my phone (all with my camera!). 

Leaving my self-isolation site very early in the morning (at 7) I headed quickly by trim to Edinburgh, and the Royal Mile.   Edinburgh is a central area for the rise of the Scottish Reformation, the Presbyterian church, and John Knox. 
I started by dropping my bag in self-storage in the train station in Edinburgh and climbing up to the castle.  I’d thought about touring the castle but had not planned ahead, and the limited tickets were already gone.  

I toured St Giles Cathedral when it opened at 9, with particular attention to the statue of Knox.   One chapel, the Thistle chapel, deserves particular note, as it is elaborately decorated, an one of the carved wood angels is playing bagpipes.  Also stunning here are the stained glass windows.  John Knox is probably rolling in his grave (outside in the parking lot, see my video on Facebook Live) as the reformers destroyed the original art in the cathedral (not entirely in line with Knox’s theology, but spurred by it) including the existing windows, but they have been replaced by some in the 19th and 20th centuries.  
More pics in the future.  

On to the John Knox house; I have lots of pics, just none on my phone!   I will make an effort to transfer a few from my camera and post them here.   This is a minor site, and may not actually be where Knox live (though the proprietors of the house don’t appear to have any questions) and it talked a lot about Knox’s life in Edinburgh. Knox was the first Protestant pastor at St. Giles, largely formed the Presbyterian church (Church of Scotland) and pastored here from 1559  to 1572.  

The John Knox house is also home to the Scottish Storytelling Center, and I bought some beautiful books for Eva and Oliver, whom I’ll see two weeks from today if all goes well!  

I did walk all the way down to Holyrood, which was possibly an issue.  My knees hurt a little at the en (downhill is harder than uphill!).  At about 1:30 I started heading back to the train station, got my left luggage and found my way to my train to Leuchars (pronounced Lu-kurs ) and then by bus the last 5 minutes to St. Andrews.

I walked the .6 mile to Agnes Blackadder Hall, a modern dorm at the University of St Andrews.  That is where I will be staying the next two nights.  By the time I got there, my knees hurt enough that walking was difficult.  At least downhill I was much better going uphill or on the flat.  I wished I had worn my knee brace on my right knee, which hurts first and most.   Up to my room, took a couple of ibuprofen, and within a half hour I was feeling pretty good. So I headed out for a dinner and some more touring. 

I had dinner at a really disappointing Thai restaurant on Market street, then walked down to the castle.   I was getting ready to do a live session, talking about the castle, when a young woman asked me to watch her things while she went down the steps there (the steps lead to the beach that the students use, especially on May Day) to make sure her friend was OK, as he was riding a bike up a rather steep hill.   Once they were up, we dropped into a very friendly banter and they invited me for a pint.   Which I took them up on (all vaccinated, plus we picked a place where we could sit outdoors.). So I enjoyed a lovely pint of Scottish beer (I have no idea what kind) in the back garden of a hotel in Edinburgh.    I didn’t think I’d have this kind of interaction on this trip; I’m very cautious on this trip, but the opportunity was irresistible.   Normally, when I am traveling alone, interaction with people is the absolute highlight of my trips.  The conversation was wide ranging, from American politics, to my accent, which the woman, Sara, loved, to religion, which Dave, who lived in Austin TX for 15 years, was particularly interested in and beyond.   We took one selfie all together, but beyond that and a hug at the end, we kept a few feet of distance between us, throughout.
I had trouble walking downhill again after this, took more ibuprofen before going to bed.  This morning I’m going to church if possible (the local church does have a service posted on their sign) and will do that delayed video at the castle.  And I’m going to give my knee a little bit of a break. 

Walked 29,050 steps yesterday total.  13 miles.

Lateral Flow (Covid) test this morning is negative.  

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